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Tips & Tricks – Go!

Tips & Tricks - start

Composition: this mysterious world

Hi, welcome to this article-presentation of this new section related to tips and tricks for the world of composing, arranging, mixing, audio editing, notation, and more.

Until now I have always been dedicated to composition, and everything else that is related to this world on the practical side. That is, I have been exclusively dedicated to the creation of music of all kinds, arrangements, editing, and more for my own productions, or for those of other artists.

I have to be honest, until now I had never thought to devote myself to the sharing of all that I have learned in over 20 years of experience in this field.
But today, while I was renovating, indeed just completely redoing this site of mine, I said to myself: “But why not write some articles to give useful advice, even to other musicians or passionate composers, arrangers, or anyone interested in knowing a little of my technical experience?

It has happened to me many times in the past to learn something new from experts in the field, both directly and also a little through the internet (not much on the internet as you can’t often find very good or clear information).
Maybe after all these years, it’s time for me to give some help, maybe to younger aspiring composers, arrangers, songwriters, and so on.

I must say that I realized, thanks to years of work in a music store, which allowed me to know many musicians, that often the musician who is interested in these topics, it is very difficult to find information even on small tricks related to this world. He often looks for them on the internet with poor results, and often very little explained, or not very “practical”.

When I happened to sell products related to the world of recording, I was asked many questions not only about the operation of this equipment, but also on how to use them at their best, and the various recording techniques.
Then when I started to tell about my experience in recording studios and composition, arrangements, etc., I was also “flooded” with questions, sometimes very basic, about these topics.

All this has made me realize that the world of composition and arrangement, however, is a world rather unknown, almost “unreachable”, to most musicians who have not made really dedicated studies.

So to “conclude”, with this article I want to inaugurate this section of my site, where I will try to give useful tips about composition, arrangements, audio editing, notation, and everything that may relate to this fantastic world of composition!

Before the greetings, I would like to apologize to all the people whose mother tongue is English, or who know English very well, because it may be that you will find some mistakes, syntax or otherwise, as unfortunately, my English is not so “good”, although I will try to write the best I can!

See you soon!
Siesar Nick

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